Biomedical Measurements and Diagnostics

Students in the Course of Biomedical Measurements and Diagnostics learn the underlying science for developing new medical measurement and diagnostic techniques, then use these to conduct fundamental medical research as well as education and research on clinical applications. We teach the following fields.

Medical Ultrasound

Research on new methods for ultrasonic measurements and controls for quantitative diagnosis of biological tissues

  • Associate Professor Mototaka Arakawa Associate Professor
    Mototaka Arakawa

Ultrasonic measurements of physical properties such like viscoelasticity of biological tissues and organs are investigated to realize their quantitative diagnosis, in addition to qualitative diagnosis based on conventional ultrasonic images. Researchers acquiring deep knowledge and excellent ability in engineering and fundamental knowledge in medicine, such like physiology, are nurtured through research and development of methods for controlling ultrasonic fields, ultrasonic measurements, and digital signal processing required for the quantitative measurements.

  1. Studies on high-performance digital signal processing and ultrasonic measurements and their application for medicine and biology
  2. Studies on control of ultrasound field for high temporal and spatial resolution medical imaging
  3. Studies on tissue characterization and quantitative measurements of the dynamics and function of biological tissue
  • Imaging of propagation of spontaneous vibration in the heart wall

    Imaging of propagation of spontaneous vibration in the heart wall

  • Top: Microscopic image of normal (left) and aggregated (right) red blood cells (RBCs) ([1] J. R. Privitera et al., Silent clots: Life's biggest killers, Translated by K. Ujiie. Chuo Art, Tokyo.)
Bottom: Change in the sizes of ultrasonic scatterers (RBCs) due to aggregation during avascularization

    Top: Microscopic image of normal (left) and aggregated (right) red blood cells (RBCs) ([1] J. R. Privitera et al., Silent clots: Life's biggest killers, Translated by K. Ujiie. Chuo Art, Tokyo.)
    Bottom: Change in the sizes of ultrasonic scatterers (RBCs) due to aggregation during avascularization


Development of Bio-Electronic Interface

  • Professor Tatsuo Yoshinobu Professor
    Tatsuo Yoshinobu

Sensing technologies are essential for the bio-electronic interface. For rapid and reliable analysis of biomolecules, highly sensitive and selective sensors are required for detection, measurement and visualization of specific molecules and ions. In this laboratory, chemical and biosensing technologies are developed based on semiconductor devices, which would be applied to biology and medicine.

  1. Development of chemical imaging sensor.
  2. Biomedical application of sensor technology.
  • Chemical imaging sensor system

    Chemical imaging sensor system

  • Visualization of pH by the chemical imaging sensor

    Visualization of pH by the chemical imaging sensor

Biomedical Supramolecular Analysis

Comprehensive analysis for biological suplamolecular complexes

  • Associate Professor Kazutaka Murayama Associate Professor
    Kazutaka Murayama

As gene products, proteins are concerned with many biological phenomena and they are key molecules to understand the mechanisms for diseases. A protein structure has close relationship with its function; therefore, revealing protein structures is very important for understanding protein functions. Although analyses of structural details for multidomain proteins or complexes are not simple task to achieve, the combination of various measurements (x-ray crystallography, molecular spectroscopies, mass spectrometry, etc) enables us to investigate mechanisms of diseases as well as to design new drugs.

  1. High resolution x-ray crystallography for biological macromolecules
  2. Structural analyses of multidomain proteins in solution
  3. Development of new approach for structural characterization of proteins
  • Chemical imaging sensor system

    Chemical imaging sensor system

  • Visualization of pH by the chemical imaging sensor

    Visualization of pH by the chemical imaging sensor

Radiation Informatics for Medical Imaging

Applied information technology for medical imaging with radiation

  • Professor Hiroshi Watabe Professor
    Hiroshi Watabe

Radiation is widely utilized for medical field as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Radiation gives us information of living organism noninvasively. However, detected signals are in a tangle from several sources. We will investigate and develop advanced techniques to extract useful information from medical imaging including PET (positron emission tomography), SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) and other modalities.

  1. Measurement of tracer kinetics in vivo by PET or SPECT to investigate physiology and pharmacology in living organism. and drug e cacy
  2. Multimodal molecular imaging for drug development
  3. Image database for data mining
  • General mathematical model for analyzing PET data

    General mathematical model for analyzing PET data

  • Generated parametric images from PET images with a rat

    Generated parametric images from PET images with a rat