Student Life

2024 School of Biomedical Engineering Class Schedule

About Admission/Tuition Fees

For information about the tuition fee exemption system please visit the Tohoku University Web-Page.


In addition to scholarship loans by the Japan Student Services Organization, scholarship loans and salaries may also be provided by local goverments and private scholarship organizations. For details, please see the following page and the academic information system.

Please use the below information for enquiries

Graduate School of Medical Engineering Academic Affairs

Tohoku University Graduate School 6-6-12, Aramaki Aza Aoba Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8579, Japan
Tel. 022-795-4824
e-mail. bme-kyom*
(Please change * to @ when you send an email)

Certificates and Notifications

Certificates can be issued by certificate vending machines on campus. Please see the following page for the procedures involved for requesting notifications and certificates while enrolled.