

公益財団法人帝人奨学会 第69回(2021年度)帝人久村奨学生(修士課程)募集について




金  額: 5万円/月

給付期間: 2021年4月 ~ 正規の修業年限

The Teijin Scholarship Foundation has announced information about the application for the 69th Teijin Kumura Scholarship (Master’s Program). If you are interested in applying, please submit your application documents to the Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Life Sciences by Friday, February 12, 2021.
*This application is for the international students with the “student” visa only.
Eligibility: *For details, please refer to the application guidelines.
Those who have already been enrolled (or are expected to be enrolled) to a Master’s course with the medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, science, engineering, or information science related research in October 2020 or April 2021.
Amount: 50,000yen/month
Scholarship period: From April 2021 to the end of the regular course of study

募集要項、応募書類等・Application Guide, Application documents

① 志願者調書(所定用紙):写真貼付、本人自筆により作成のこと(英語可)(PC 入力可)
② 推薦調書(所定用紙):指導教員により作成のこと
③ 学業成績証明書:現課程および学士課程のもの
※ 現課程のものが提出できない場合は学士課程のもののみで可。
④ 健康診断書:過去 12 ヶ月以内のもの
※ 学内で受けた場合、必ず「健康診断証明書」を発行すること。「定期健康診断結果報告書」は不可
※ 学内で受けたものが発行できない場合は、一般病院で受診すること
⑤ 現在の研究概要:A4 用紙 2~3 枚に簡潔にまとめたもの 1 部(英語可)
⑥ 個人情報の取り扱いに関する同意書(所定用紙)
⑦ 在留カード(両面)の写し
⑧ 在学証明書
※ 4 月進学予定の者は合格証明書等の写し
⑨ 経済状況調書:2021 年 2 月現在で作成のこと
The application forms can be filled in in English, but there is no English version of the form (only the application guideline in English).
① Applicant’s Statement (designated form): with saplicant’s photo, can be prepared in English and by PC
② Recommendation letter (designated form): Prepared by the academic advisor
③ Academic transcript: current course and bachelor’s course
*If the current course cannot be submitted, only the bachelor’s course is acceptable.
④ Health certificate: within the past 12 months
*If the medical examination was held at the university, submit the “Certificate of Medical Examination”. (A “Periodic Health Examination Result Report” is not acceptable.) If university’s certificate cannot be issued, please visit a general hospital.
⑤ Summary of current research:2-3 pages of A4 (in English is acceptable)
⑥ Agreement on the Handling of Personal Information (designated form)
⑦ Copy of resident card (both sides)
⑧ Certificate of enrollment
* If you are planning to enter in April, please submit a copy of your acceptance letter.
⑨ Statement of Economic Status: Prepared as of February 2021